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Where else do you feel easy?

I completed a course of Alexander Technique sessions. In case you’ve not come across it before, it’s a technique aimed at releasing muscular tension particularly in your back, neck and shoulders – a bit of a issue that became more apparent for many of us during lockdown.

Instead of focusing on areas of tension, the concept is that by focusing on areas in your body where you feel at ease, the areas of tension will gradually self-correct.

How might we apply that to our business world?

What tends to be easeful for you? Try focusing on that this week instead of areas of stress or tension and see what happens.

Just try it – and do let me know how you get on.



Rachel Maunder is a communication skills and speaker coach and professional speaker.

She has been in the world of competent communication, in different guises, for more than 30 years so has a wealth of knowledge, experience and expertise to pass on to her clients, both through her signature programmes and her own presentations.

You can find out more about her coaching programmes here and about her speaking topics here.



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