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Apply the same principles

I was recently asked whether I could help someone craft a speech for an industry-specific audience.


Without being an expert in her industry and never having given a speech to that industry, I could, with hand on heart, say ‘Yes I can.’


The reason is simple – the principles for addressing any audience are the same.


Here are 3 basic questions to ask either yourself or the person who booked you to speak:

  1. What’s the audience’s general level of knowledge and understanding of your topic?
  2. What are their pain points right now and how can you help?
  3. What story/ies can you tell that illustrates all of that and that are most relevant to them?


You’re an expert in your own field and they’re there to learn from you. You don’t need to be an expert in their field too.

If you would like more help with this, and with crafting the speech from the outset, just get in touch.


Rachel Maunder is a communication skills and speaker coach and professional speaker.

She has been in the world of competent communication, in different guises, for more than 30 years so has a wealth of knowledge, experience and expertise to pass on to her clients, both through her signature programmes and her own presentations.  

You can find out more about her coaching programmes here and about her speaking topics here


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