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10 top preparation tips for public speaking

Do you have a pre-presentation routine? Most of the best speakers do – so why not you? 

When you prepare yourself both physically and mentally you are so much more likely to deliver your best stuff – and who wouldn’t want to do that? 

Here are a few tips to help you. You might want to use all or some of them, depending on the presentation itself, the situation and who is in the audience. 

  1. Arrive with enough time to check out exactly where you will be presenting before your audience arrives. Where possible, stand where you will be standing to get a feel of what it will be like when your audience is in front of you.

You may even want to go through parts of your presentation in your mind, to consider what movement you need to make in order to reach the room, i.e., will you need to walk from one side of the stage or floor so that everyone can see you, or will it be better to stay central. 


For a virtual...

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Are you proud to be you?

personal development Jul 27, 2020

How often do you compare yourself to someone else, only to find yourself lacking?

Maybe someone, or everyone, seems to be more clever or successful than you, to be clearer on what they want out of life and better at working towards it, to have the personality or style you’d like to have?

How can you turn those comparisons around so that you can be more proud to be you?

Of course, we all have our down-days when we slip into ‘it’s alright for them’ thoughts, but how can you raise your self-esteem and to remind yourself of how capable and competent you are?

These things can help:

  • List all your skills and strengths. Read it aloud. Add to it.
  • Re-read testimonials; recall positive comments made about you.
  • Remember what friends and family value about you.

What would you say to a friend who was self-critical? Say that to yourself.

If one of the things you’d like to be proud of is your story, I can help you. To explore how, just book a complimentary call here....

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Away from or towards?

mindset Jul 20, 2020

What are you moving away from and what are you moving towards?

In a world of constant change, we’re always leaving some things behind and bringing in some new. Even a positive change can mean leaving something behind that you’ll miss, and a change you’re less happy to be making can have some benefits too.

You get to choose which to focus on. You can either dwell in the past and regret all those things you’ll miss, and only notice the downsides of the change.

Alternatively, you can embrace the change and notice its benefits. What are you glad to be leaving behind and what are you looking forward to?

It’s human to have regrets, but perhaps you can reframe them into gratitude that those things left behind have been part of your life.

Being open to what lies ahead creates greater optimism and positivity, so which will you choose?

If you’re currently working towards improving your public speaking and communication skills, to find out how I can...

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