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Childhood Sexual Abuse: when normal isn't normal

Childhood Sexual Abuse: when normal isn't normal

NB: During the welcome to this episode of The Different Stories Podcast and during the conversation itself, you will hear it referred to as The Other Stories Podcast.

That was the original name of the podcast until we were requested to change it in November 2023, due to the presence of another podcast of the same name, of a completely different genre.

The podcast is now known as The Different Stories Podcast across all platforms.


When childhood sexual abuse takes place behind closed doors the child has no point of reference so often doesn’t know that what’s happening shouldn’t be happening. All they know is that they want to avoid being left with the perpetrator at all costs, often creating complex post-traumatic stress disorder. In this episode, Carolyn Whitehouse shares her story of how she chose university as her route out only to discover the longer term impact on her corporate and business career, of that undiagnosed C-PTSD.

Carolyn Whitehouse Email: [email protected]

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About the host Rachel Maunder

Rachel Maunder is a Story Coach, helping people find and craft their personal stories for greater engagement through speaking. Her secret sauce includes a blend of an ability to spot the key parts of a story and to highlight those in a relatable way. With a lifelong curiosity around what makes people different Rachel is an advocate and ally of acceptance and inclusion. Combine that with her gentle way of drawing people’s stories out of them and you’ll start to see Rachel’s motivation behind creating The Different Stories Podcast. Rachel coaches individuals and runs bespoke workshops for organisations.

You can find her contact details or book a complimentary exploratory call here:

DISCLAIMER: Any views, thoughts and opinions shared and expressed in this podcast belong solely to the host and guest speakers. Please carry out your own due diligence.


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