Are you fairly new to speaking and struggle to tell your story effectively?

Would you like to feel more comfortable in sharing who you really are?

Would you like to really connect with your audience and ultimately get more business through speaking?

Sharing your stories is a powerful way of doing just that but many people like you find it really challenging.

What if I could show you how to craft your story and your presentation to have your listeners hanging on your every word? Would that be something you’d want to know more about?

With years of experience of both giving presentations and talks and coaching and training in presentation skills I have a knack for helping speakers find the sweet spots in their stories and I’d love to help you too

Through watching the videos, I’ll help you craft your story so that you deliver your message with competence, clarity and credibility. I’ll help you feel confident in delivering your presentation, and get greater engagement and ultimately drive the right clients to you.

By the end of the programme you’ll have a crafted talk or presentation, plus a compelling speaker bio, both of which can be repurposed for your marketing, blogs, or social media.

You’ll feel more comfortable in sharing your story and know how to craft other stories for other presentations.

Click here for more information about ticket

options and to book your place.

Wendy Wyatt, Life Coach

‘This course excelled my expectations. It’s been brilliant. As well as understanding how to craft my story for speaking, it’s made me reflect on the value I offer and to really own that space.’

Sara Lambourn, Healer and Therapist

‘I have learnt so much about myself on this programme. Getting to grips with my story has helped me realise how that story qualifies me to help my clients. Even though their stories are different, some of the feelings will be the same and that’s actually what I help them with.’

What’s covered?

Using my own StoryCRAFT process, I’ll be guiding you through the 7 C’s of story crafting, including:

  • Which story to share – your audience and your message.
  • How to craft a compelling Bio.
  • How to structure your story and your presentation.
  • Adapting your presentation for different audiences times and genres.
  • How to start and finish with confidence and clarity.

You will come away with:

  • A well-structured presentation that can be effectively delivered to a variety of audiences, within a variety of timescales and repurposed for other genres.
  • An understanding of how to scale and adapt your signature presentation for different audiences and to meet different time frames.
  • Tips on presenting with confidence.
  • A simple process that you can use time and time again for future presentations.

What’s included?

  • Short weekly video outlining the week’s task.
  • Worksheets and templates.

The VIP option:

includes 2 x individual 45-minute calls in addition to the core programme available.

What’s your commitment?

Show up and take action by:

  • Watching the weekly video.
  • Setting time aside to complete the tasks.

The VIP option:

includes 2 x individual 45-minute calls in addition to the core programme available.

Standard Place: £247

VIP Place: £297

“I had already written my first keynote speech when I contacted Rachel for coaching, and it included some of my stories. I wanted her help to make it the best it could be because I was feeling anxious about presenting it. Through our series of one-to-one sessions, she helped me take it to a much more professional level. She gave me so many useful tips on crafting the stories and also on my delivery and was also great fun to work with and super supportive!

The speech went really well and has already led on to other things. Job well done, thank you Rachel.”

© 2024 Rachel Maunder